Systems to streamline. Strategies to scale.™

You’re a business owner
but you don’t know your numbers?

Maybe you know some of your numbers but you just can’t find the time to sit down and crank out financial metrics. I get it. Crunching numbers is about as much fun as watching grass grow.

If you're not rock solid on how much it costs to acquire a new customer and how much profit each of your services actually makes, the Growth Engine Formula (GEF) was made for you.

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Get a handle on your numbers

The GEF is for any business owner who:

  • Is curious about how profitable their services really are

  • Is creating or growing new offerings

  • Knows growth has stalled but isn’t sure why

  • Feels intimidated by financials or metrics

  • Wants to know where to invest their resources to get to the next level

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More profit, less uncertainty

The GEF is an online tool that walks you through the core repeatable process (the engine) necessary for business growth. As you work through it, you’ll enter information about your business. And when you’re finished, you’ll know your numbers like never before. Even better, you’ll receive a benchmark score that shows you how exactly how you’re doing and where you can improve.


By using the GEF, you will…

  • Uncover your actual profit margin
  • Determine your customer acquisition cost
  • See how scalable your business really is
  • Know what levers to pull to increase profitability
  • Learn how to leverage profit to grow your business

 The transformation could be a game changer

I discovered the power of the Growth Engine Formula at my last business when I learned our primary service offering wasn't profitable. Thanks to the GEF, we went from losing $20k per quarter to profiting $20k per quarter. Across all of our service lines, improvements driven by the GEF yielded over $250k in savings.


But don’t take it from me…

Here’s what business owners have to say about the GEF:


“I love this different approach to figuring out whether my business is profitable and how much I should charge for each of my lines of business.”


“I had done a cost-of-acquisition calculation on my own, and it was a serious pain in the butt. This was crisp and simple. It also made it so much easier to interpret the data and see what's working and what needs to change.”



“The GEF was a really good way to take a new look at my business and notice things that could have a huge impact on my efficiency and profitability.”

Ready to Grow?


 Copyright by Be Lean, LLC 2021. All rights reserved.